
How to Mint your Security Token

This tutorial application allows token owners to issue their security token to whitelisted investors. You may also burn tokens, if needed. You should be able to:

  1. Import and Export CSV with investor addresses and balances.

  2. Mint tokens to investors.

  3. Burn tokens.

The CSV that represents issuance has the following format:

address, balance
0x0439...8fj4 1200
0xjf73...hf73 400
// Processes imported text into tokenholder objects, then sends blockchain transaction to
// issue tokens to uploaded tokenholders.
const importData = (data) => {
  // Split file content into lines
  data = data.split('\r\n')
    // Trim lines 
    .map(record => record.trim())
    // Remove empty lines
    .filter(record => record.length)
    // Convert string amounts to BigNumber.
    .map(record => {
      let [address, amount] = record.split(',')
      return {address, amount: new BigNumber(amount)}
  asyncAction(dispatch, () => issueTokens(data), 'Issuing tokens')

To issue tokens, simply call the SDK's token.issuance.issue method.

const issueTokens = async (records) => {
  const q = await token.issuance.issue({issuanceData: records})
  await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000))
  dispatch({type: 'RELOAD_TOKENHOLDERS'})

You will have the data needed in state store (i.e., records). You simply need to concatenate that data into a CSV file.

const exportData = () => {
  const csvContent ={address, balance}) => {
    return [address, balance].join(',')
  console.log('csvContent', csvContent)
  const blob = new Blob([csvContent], { type: 'text/csv;charset=utf-8' })
  FileSaver.saveAs(blob, 'whitelist.csv')

Burning tokens is as intuitive as specifying the amount, address, and reason for burning in each call.

// Async action
const burnTokens = async (amount, from, reason = '') => {
    () => controllerRedeem(amount, from, reason),
    `Burning ${amount} tokens from ${from}`

const controllerRedeem = async (amount, from, reason) => {
  reason = web3Utils.numberToHex(reason)
  amount = new BigNumber(amount)
  while (true) {
    // Try to redeem tokens...
    try {
      const q = await token.controller.redeem({ amount, from, reason })
      dispatch({type: 'RELOAD_TOKENHOLDERS'})
    // ...unless current user is not a controller. In that case, add them as a controller first.
    catch (error) {
      if (error.message.includes('You must be the controller')) {
        console.log(`Add ${walletAddress} as controller`)
        const addControllerQ = await token.controller.modifyController({controller: walletAddress})
      else {
        dispatch({type: 'ERROR', error: error.message})

Last updated