
Wrapper class for a Polymesh Transaction

Type parameters

Args: unknown[]

Values: unknown[]







Optional blockHash

blockHash? : undefined | string

Inherited from PolymeshTransactionBase.blockHash

Defined in src/base/PolymeshTransactionBase.ts:50

hash of the block where this transaction resides (status: Succeeded, Failed)

Protected context

context: Context

Inherited from PolymeshTransactionBase.context

Defined in src/base/PolymeshTransactionBase.ts:113

Optional error

error? : PolymeshError

Inherited from PolymeshTransactionBase.error

Defined in src/base/PolymeshTransactionBase.ts:35

stores errors thrown while running the transaction (status: Failed, Aborted)


inputArgs: MapMaybePostTransactionValue‹Args›

Defined in src/base/PolymeshTransaction.ts:26

arguments for the transaction. Available after the transaction starts running (may be Post Transaction Values from a previous transaction in the queue that haven't resolved yet)


isCritical: boolean

Inherited from PolymeshTransactionBase.isCritical

Defined in src/base/PolymeshTransactionBase.ts:55

whether this transaction failing makes the entire transaction queue fail or not

Optional receipt

receipt? : ISubmittableResult

Inherited from PolymeshTransactionBase.receipt

Defined in src/base/PolymeshTransactionBase.ts:40

stores the transaction receipt (if successful)


status: TransactionStatus = TransactionStatus.Idle

Inherited from PolymeshTransactionBase.status

Defined in src/base/PolymeshTransactionBase.ts:30

current status of the transaction


tag: TxTag

Inherited from PolymeshTransactionBase.tag

Defined in src/base/PolymeshTransactionBase.ts:60

type of transaction represented by this instance (mostly for display purposes)

Optional txHash

txHash? : undefined | string

Inherited from PolymeshTransactionBase.txHash

Defined in src/base/PolymeshTransactionBase.ts:45

transaction hash (status: Running, Succeeded, Failed)



get args(): Args

Defined in src/base/PolymeshTransaction.ts:43

Arguments for the transaction

Returns: Args



getFees(): Promise‹Fees | null›

Inherited from PolymeshTransactionBase.getFees

Defined in src/base/PolymeshTransactionBase.ts:306

Get all (protocol and gas) fees associated with this transaction. Returns null if the transaction is not ready yet (this can happen if it depends on the execution of a previous transaction in the queue)

note this value might change if the transaction is run at a later time. This can be due to a governance vote

Returns: Promise‹Fees | null›


getPayingAccount(): Promise‹object | null›

Inherited from PolymeshTransactionBase.getPayingAccount

Defined in src/base/PolymeshTransactionBase.ts:269

Retrieve the Account that would pay for the transaction fees if it was run at this moment, as well as the maximum amount that can be charged to it. A null allowance means that there is no limit to that amount

A null return value signifies that the current Account will pay for the fees

note this value might change if, before running the transaction, the current Account enters (or leaves) a subsidizer relationship

Returns: Promise‹object | null›


onStatusChange(listener: function): function

Inherited from PolymeshTransactionBase.onStatusChange

Defined in src/base/PolymeshTransactionBase.ts:252

Subscribe to status changes


listener: function

callback function that will be called whenever the status changes

▸ (transaction: this): void


Returns: function

unsubscribe function

▸ (): void


run(): Promise‹void›

Inherited from PolymeshTransactionBase.run

Defined in src/base/PolymeshTransactionBase.ts:139

Run the transaction and update its status

Returns: Promise‹void›

Last updated