

  • CreateSecurityTokenParams




Optional documents

documents? : TokenDocument[]

Defined in src/api/procedures/createSecurityToken.ts:66

Optional fundingRound

fundingRound? : undefined | string

Defined in src/api/procedures/createSecurityToken.ts:65

(optional) funding round in which the token currently is (Series A, Series B, etc)


isDivisible: boolean

Defined in src/api/procedures/createSecurityToken.ts:51

whether a single token can be divided into decimal parts


name: string

Defined in src/api/procedures/createSecurityToken.ts:43

Optional requireInvestorUniqueness

requireInvestorUniqueness? : undefined | false | true

Defined in src/api/procedures/createSecurityToken.ts:71

whether this asset requires investors to have a Investor Uniqueness Claim in order to hold it. Optional, defaults to true. More information about Investor Uniqueness and PUIS here

Optional tokenIdentifiers

tokenIdentifiers? : TokenIdentifier[]

Defined in src/api/procedures/createSecurityToken.ts:61

array of domestic or international alphanumeric security identifiers for the token (ISIN, CUSIP, etc)


tokenType: string

Defined in src/api/procedures/createSecurityToken.ts:57

type of security that the token represents (i.e. Equity, Debt, Commodity, etc). Common values are included in the KnownTokenType enum, but custom values can be used as well. Custom values must be registered on-chain the first time they're used, requiring an additional transaction. They aren't tied to a specific Security Token

Optional totalSupply

totalSupply? : BigNumber

Defined in src/api/procedures/createSecurityToken.ts:47

amount of tokens that will be minted on creation (optional, default doesn't mint)

Last updated

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