
Handles all Security Token Offering related functionality






Protected context

context: Context

Inherited from void

Defined in src/api/entities/Namespace.ts:11


launch: ProcedureMethod‹LaunchStoParams, Sto

Defined in src/api/entities/SecurityToken/Offerings.ts:44

Launch a Security Token Offering

param portfolio in which the Tokens to be sold are stored (optional, defaults to the default portfolio of the Security Token's Primary Issuance Agent)

param portfolio in which the raised funds will be stored

param ticker symbol of the currency in which the funds are being raised (i.e. 'USD' or 'CAD'). Other Security Tokens can be used as currency as well

param venue through which all offering related trades will be settled (optional, defaults to the first Sto type Venue owned by the owner of the Offering Portfolio. If passed, it must be of type Sto)

param start date of the Offering (optional, defaults to right now)

param end date of the Offering (optional, defaults to never)

param array of sale tiers. Each tier consists of an amount of Tokens to be sold at a certain price. Tokens in a tier can only be bought when all Tokens in previous tiers have been bought

param minimum amount that can be spent on this offering

note required roles:

  • Security Token Primary Issuance Agent

  • Offering Portfolio Custodian

  • Raising Portfolio Custodian

Protected parent

parent: SecurityToken

Inherited from void

Defined in src/api/entities/Namespace.ts:9



get(opts: object): Promise‹StoWithDetails[]›

Defined in src/api/entities/SecurityToken/Offerings.ts:51

Retrieve all of the Token's Offerings. Can be filtered using parameters


Default value opts: object= {}

Returns: Promise‹StoWithDetails[]›

Last updated