
Represents a Corporate Action via which an Asset issuer wishes to distribute dividends between a subset of the Asset Holders (targets)









asset: Asset

Inherited from CorporateActionBase.asset

Defined in src/api/entities/CorporateActionBase/index.ts:77

Asset affected by this Corporate Action

Protected context

context: Context

Inherited from CheckpointSchedule.context

Defined in src/api/entities/Entity.ts:48


currency: string

Defined in src/api/entities/DividendDistribution/index.ts:109

ticker of the currency in which dividends are being distributed


declarationDate: Date

Inherited from CorporateActionBase.declarationDate

Defined in src/api/entities/CorporateActionBase/index.ts:82

date at which the Corporate Action was created


defaultTaxWithholding: BigNumber

Inherited from CorporateActionBase.defaultTaxWithholding

Defined in src/api/entities/CorporateActionBase/index.ts:98

default percentage (0-100) of tax withholding for this Corporate Action


description: string

Inherited from CorporateActionBase.description

Defined in src/api/entities/CorporateActionBase/index.ts:87

brief text description of the Corporate Action


expiryDate: null | Date

Defined in src/api/entities/DividendDistribution/index.ts:125

date after which dividends can no longer be paid/reclaimed. A null value means the distribution never expires


id: BigNumber

Inherited from CorporateActionBase.id

Defined in src/api/entities/CorporateActionBase/index.ts:72

internal Corporate Action ID

Protected kind

kind: UnpredictableBenefit | PredictableBenefit

Overrides CorporateActionBase.kind

Defined in src/api/entities/DividendDistribution/index.ts:135

type of dividend distribution being represented. The chain enforces it to be either PredictableBenefit or UnpredictableBenefit


maxAmount: BigNumber

Defined in src/api/entities/DividendDistribution/index.ts:120

maximum amount of currency to be distributed. Distributions are "first come, first served", so funds can be depleted before every Asset Holder receives their corresponding amount


origin: DefaultPortfolio | NumberedPortfolio

Defined in src/api/entities/DividendDistribution/index.ts:104

Portfolio from which the dividends will be distributed


paymentDate: Date

Defined in src/api/entities/DividendDistribution/index.ts:130

date starting from which dividends can be paid/reclaimed


perShare: BigNumber

Defined in src/api/entities/DividendDistribution/index.ts:114

amount of currency to pay for each share held by the Asset Holders


targets: CorporateActionTargets

Inherited from CorporateActionBase.targets

Defined in src/api/entities/CorporateActionBase/index.ts:93

Asset Holder Identities related to this Corporate action. If the treatment is Exclude, the Identities in the array will not be targeted by the Action, Identities not in the array will be targeted, and vice versa


taxWithholdings: TaxWithholding[]

Inherited from CorporateActionBase.taxWithholdings

Defined in src/api/entities/CorporateActionBase/index.ts:104

percentage (0-100) of tax withholding per Identity. Any Identity not present in this array uses the default tax withholding percentage


uuid: string

Inherited from CheckpointSchedule.uuid

Defined in src/api/entities/Entity.ts:46



checkpoint(): Promise‹Checkpoint | CheckpointSchedule

Overrides CorporateActionBase.checkpoint

Defined in src/api/entities/DividendDistribution/index.ts:255

Retrieve the Checkpoint associated with this Dividend Distribution. If the Checkpoint is scheduled and has not been created yet, the corresponding CheckpointSchedule is returned instead

Returns: Promise‹Checkpoint | CheckpointSchedule


claim(opts?: ProcedureOpts): Promise‹TransactionQueue‹void››

Defined in src/api/entities/DividendDistribution/index.ts:204

Claim the Dividends corresponding to the signing Identity

note if currency is indivisible, the Identity's share will be rounded down to the nearest integer (after taxes are withheld)

note this method is of type NoArgsProcedureMethod, which means you can call claim.checkAuthorization on it to see whether the signing Account and Identity have the required roles and permissions to run it


Returns: Promise‹TransactionQueue‹void››


details(): Promise‹DividendDistributionDetails

Defined in src/api/entities/DividendDistribution/index.ts:283

Retrieve details associated with this Dividend Distribution

Returns: Promise‹DividendDistributionDetails


exists(): Promise‹boolean›

Overrides CorporateActionBase.exists

Defined in src/api/entities/DividendDistribution/index.ts:274

Retrieve whether the Distribution exists

Returns: Promise‹boolean›


getParticipant(args?: undefined | object): Promise‹DistributionParticipant | null›

Defined in src/api/entities/DividendDistribution/index.ts:364

Retrieve an Identity that is entitled to dividends in this Distribution (participant), the amount it is entitled to and whether it has been paid or not

note if the Distribution Checkpoint hasn't been created yet, the result will be null. This is because the Distribution participant's corresponding payment cannot be determined without a Checkpoint


Returns: Promise‹DistributionParticipant | null›


getParticipants(): Promise‹DistributionParticipant[]›

Defined in src/api/entities/DividendDistribution/index.ts:309

Retrieve a comprehensive list of all Identities that are entitled to dividends in this Distribution (participants), the amount they are entitled to and whether they have been paid or not

note this request can take a lot of time with large amounts of Asset Holders

note if the Distribution Checkpoint hasn't been created yet, the result will be an empty array. This is because the Distribution participants cannot be determined without a Checkpoint

Returns: Promise‹DistributionParticipant[]›


getPaymentHistory(opts: object): Promise‹ResultSetDistributionPayment››

Defined in src/api/entities/DividendDistribution/index.ts:538

Retrieve the payment history for this Distribution

note uses the middleware

note supports pagination


Default value opts: object= {}

Returns: Promise‹ResultSetDistributionPayment››


getPaymentHistoryV2(opts: object): Promise‹ResultSetDistributionPayment››

Defined in src/api/entities/DividendDistribution/index.ts:624

Retrieve the payment history for this Distribution

note uses the middleware V2

note supports pagination


Default value opts: object= {}

Returns: Promise‹ResultSetDistributionPayment››


getWithheldTax(): Promise‹BigNumber›

Defined in src/api/entities/DividendDistribution/index.ts:466

Retrieve the amount of taxes that have been withheld up to this point in this Distribution

note uses the middleware

Returns: Promise‹BigNumber›


getWithheldTaxV2(): Promise‹BigNumber›

Defined in src/api/entities/DividendDistribution/index.ts:500

Retrieve the amount of taxes that have been withheld up to this point in this Distribution

note uses the middlewareV2

Returns: Promise‹BigNumber›


isEqual(entity: Entity‹unknown, unknown›): boolean

Inherited from CheckpointSchedule.isEqual

Defined in src/api/entities/Entity.ts:61

Determine whether this Entity is the same as another one


Returns: boolean


linkDocuments(args: LinkCaDocsParams, opts?: ProcedureOpts): Promise‹TransactionQueue‹void››

Inherited from CorporateActionBase.linkDocuments

Defined in src/api/entities/CorporateActionBase/index.ts:152

Link a list of documents to this corporate action

note any previous links are removed in favor of the new list

note this method is of type ProcedureMethod, which means you can call linkDocuments.checkAuthorization on it to see whether the signing Account and Identity have the required roles and permissions to run it


Returns: Promise‹TransactionQueue‹void››


modifyCheckpoint(args: Modify‹ModifyCaCheckpointParams, object›, opts?: ProcedureOpts): Promise‹TransactionQueue‹void››

Overrides CorporateActionBase.modifyCheckpoint

Defined in src/api/entities/DividendDistribution/index.ts:214

Modify the Distribution's Checkpoint

note this method is of type ProcedureMethod, which means you can call modifyCheckpoint.checkAuthorization on it to see whether the signing Account and Identity have the required roles and permissions to run it


Returns: Promise‹TransactionQueue‹void››


pay(args: PayDividendsParams, opts?: ProcedureOpts): Promise‹TransactionQueue‹void››

Defined in src/api/entities/DividendDistribution/index.ts:232

Transfer the corresponding share of the dividends to a list of Identities

note due to performance issues, we do not validate that the distribution has enough remaining funds to pay the corresponding amount to the supplied Identities

note if currency is indivisible, the Identity's share will be rounded down to the nearest integer (after taxes are withheld)

note this method is of type ProcedureMethod, which means you can call pay.checkAuthorization on it to see whether the signing Account and Identity have the required roles and permissions to run it


Returns: Promise‹TransactionQueue‹void››


reclaimFunds(opts?: ProcedureOpts): Promise‹TransactionQueue‹void››

Defined in src/api/entities/DividendDistribution/index.ts:247

Reclaim any remaining funds back to the origin Portfolio. This can only be done after the Distribution has expired

note withheld taxes are also reclaimed in the same transaction

note required roles:

  • Origin Portfolio Custodian

note this method is of type NoArgsProcedureMethod, which means you can call reclaimFunds.checkAuthorization on it to see whether the signing Account and Identity have the required roles and permissions to run it


Returns: Promise‹TransactionQueue‹void››


toHuman(): HumanReadable

Overrides CorporateActionBase.toHuman

Defined in src/api/entities/DividendDistribution/index.ts:739

Return the Dividend Distribution's static data

Returns: HumanReadable

Static generateUuid

generateUuidIdentifiers›(identifiers: Identifiers): string

Inherited from CheckpointSchedule.generateUuid

Defined in src/api/entities/Entity.ts:14

Generate the Entity's UUID from its identifying properties

Type parameters:



Returns: string

Static unserialize

unserializeIdentifiers›(serialized: string): Identifiers

Inherited from CheckpointSchedule.unserialize

Defined in src/api/entities/Entity.ts:23

Unserialize a UUID into its Unique Identifiers

Type parameters:



Returns: Identifiers

Last updated