
Handles all Asset Settlements related functionality Handles all Settlement related functionality


  • Namespace‹Asset






Protected context

context: Context

Inherited from void

Defined in src/api/entities/Namespace.ts:11

Defined in src/Settlements.ts:25

Protected parent

parent: Asset

Inherited from void

Defined in src/api/entities/Namespace.ts:9



addInstruction(args: AddInstructionWithVenueIdParams, opts?: ProcedureOpts): Promise‹TransactionQueueInstruction[], Instruction››

Defined in src/Settlements.ts:118

Create an Instruction to exchange Assets

note this method is of type ProcedureMethod, which means you can call addInstruction.checkAuthorization on it to see whether the signing Account and Identity have the required roles and permissions to run it


Returns: Promise‹TransactionQueueInstruction[], Instruction››


affirmInstruction(args: AffirmInstructionParams, opts?: ProcedureOpts): Promise‹TransactionQueueInstruction››

Defined in src/Settlements.ts:128

Affirm an Instruction (authorize)

note this method is of type ProcedureMethod, which means you can call affirmInstruction.checkAuthorization on it to see whether the signing Account and Identity have the required roles and permissions to run it


Returns: Promise‹TransactionQueueInstruction››


canSettle(args: object): Promise‹TransferStatus

Defined in src/api/entities/Asset/Settlements.ts:38

Check whether it is possible to create a settlement Instruction to transfer a certain amount of this Asset's tokens between two Portfolios.

note this takes locked tokens into account. For example, if portfolio A has 1000 tokens and this function is called to check if 700 of them can be transferred to portfolio B (assuming everything else checks out) the result will be success. If an instruction is created and authorized to transfer those 700 tokens, they would become locked. From that point, further calls to this function would yield failed results because of the funds being locked, even though they haven't been transferred yet

deprecated in favor of canTransfer


args: object

Returns: Promise‹TransferStatus


canTransfer(args: object): Promise‹TransferBreakdown

Defined in src/api/entities/Asset/Settlements.ts:107

Check whether it is possible to create a settlement instruction to transfer a certain amount of this asset between two Portfolios. Returns a breakdown of the transaction containing general errors (such as insufficient balance or invalid receiver), any broken transfer restrictions, and any compliance failures

note this takes locked tokens into account. For example, if portfolio A has 1000 tokens and this function is called to check if 700 of them can be transferred to portfolio B (assuming everything else checks out) the result will be success. If an instruction is created and authorized to transfer those 700 tokens, they would become locked. From that point, further calls to this function would yield failed results because of the funds being locked, even though they haven't been transferred yet


args: object

Returns: Promise‹TransferBreakdown


createVenue(args: CreateVenueParams, opts?: ProcedureOpts): Promise‹TransactionQueueVenue››

Defined in src/Settlements.ts:108

Create a Venue under the ownership of the signing Identity

note this method is of type ProcedureMethod, which means you can call createVenue.checkAuthorization on it to see whether the signing Account and Identity have the required roles and permissions to run it


Returns: Promise‹TransactionQueueVenue››


getInstruction(args: object): Promise‹Instruction

Defined in src/Settlements.ts:86

Retrieve an Instruction by its ID


args: object

Returns: Promise‹Instruction


getVenue(args: object): Promise‹Venue

Defined in src/Settlements.ts:65

Retrieve a Venue by its ID


args: object

Returns: Promise‹Venue

Last updated