
Permissions a Secondary Key has over the Identity. A null value means the key has all permissions of that type (i.e. if assets is null, the key has permissions over all of the Identity's Assets) Handles all Asset Permissions related functionality


  • Namespace‹Asset







assets: SectionPermissionsAsset› | null

Defined in src/types/index.ts:917

Assets over which this key has permissions

Protected context

context: Context

Inherited from void

Defined in src/api/entities/Namespace.ts:11

Protected parent

parent: Asset

Inherited from void

Defined in src/api/entities/Namespace.ts:9


portfolios: SectionPermissionsDefaultPortfolio | NumberedPortfolio› | null

Defined in src/types/index.ts:931


transactionGroups: TxGroup[]

Defined in src/types/index.ts:929

list of Transaction Groups this key can execute. Having permissions over a TxGroup means having permissions over every TxTag in said group. Partial group permissions are not covered by this value. For a full picture of transaction permissions, see the transactions property

NOTE: If transactions is null, ignore this value


transactions: TransactionPermissions | null

Defined in src/types/index.ts:921

Transactions this key can execute



createGroup(args: CreateGroupParams, opts?: ProcedureOpts): Promise‹TransactionQueueCustomPermissionGroup››

Defined in src/api/entities/Asset/Permissions.ts:70

Create a Permission Group for this Asset. Identities can be assigned to Permission Groups as agents. Agents assigned to a Permission Group have said group's permissions over the Asset

note this method is of type ProcedureMethod, which means you can call createGroup.checkAuthorization on it to see whether the signing Account and Identity have the required roles and permissions to run it


Returns: Promise‹TransactionQueueCustomPermissionGroup››


getAgents(): Promise‹AgentWithGroup[]›

Defined in src/api/entities/Asset/Permissions.ts:171

Retrieve a list of agents (Identities which have permissions over the Asset) and their respective Permission Groups

Returns: Promise‹AgentWithGroup[]›


getGroup(args: object): Promise‹CustomPermissionGroup

Defined in src/api/entities/Asset/Permissions.ts:104

Retrieve a single Permission Group by its ID (or type). Passing an ID will fetch a Custom Permission Group, while passing a type will fetch a Known Permission Group

throws if there is no Permission Group with the passed ID


args: object

Returns: Promise‹CustomPermissionGroup

getGroup(args: object): Promise‹KnownPermissionGroup

Defined in src/api/entities/Asset/Permissions.ts:105


args: object

Returns: Promise‹KnownPermissionGroup


getGroups(): Promise‹PermissionGroups

Defined in src/api/entities/Asset/Permissions.ts:137

Retrieve all Permission Groups of this Asset

Returns: Promise‹PermissionGroups


inviteAgent(args: InviteExternalAgentParams, opts?: ProcedureOpts): Promise‹TransactionQueueAuthorizationRequest››

Defined in src/api/entities/Asset/Permissions.ts:84

Invite an Identity to be an agent with permissions over this Asset

note this will create an Authorization Request which has to be accepted by the target Identity. An Account or Identity can fetch its pending Authorization Requests by calling authorizations.getReceived. Also, an Account or Identity can directly fetch the details of an Authorization Request by calling authorizations.getOne

note this method is of type ProcedureMethod, which means you can call inviteAgent.checkAuthorization on it to see whether the signing Account and Identity have the required roles and permissions to run it


Returns: Promise‹TransactionQueueAuthorizationRequest››


removeAgent(args: RemoveExternalAgentParams, opts?: ProcedureOpts): Promise‹TransactionQueue‹void››

Defined in src/api/entities/Asset/Permissions.ts:94

Revoke an agent's permissions over this Asset

note this method is of type ProcedureMethod, which means you can call removeAgent.checkAuthorization on it to see whether the signing Account and Identity have the required roles and permissions to run it


Returns: Promise‹TransactionQueue‹void››

Last updated