
Base class for managing Transfer Restrictions

Type parameters

T: TransferRestrictionType






Protected context

context: Context

Inherited from void

Defined in src/api/entities/Namespace.ts:11

Optional exemptedIds

exemptedIds? : string[]

Defined in src/types/index.ts:1234

array of Scope/Identity IDs that are exempted from the Restriction

note if the Asset requires investor uniqueness, Scope IDs are used. Otherwise, we use Identity IDs. More on Scope IDs and investor uniqueness here and here

Protected parent

parent: Asset

Inherited from void

Defined in src/api/entities/Namespace.ts:9

Protected Abstract type

type: T

Defined in src/api/entities/Asset/TransferRestrictions/TransferRestrictionBase.ts:59



addRestriction(args: AddRestrictionParams‹T›, opts?: ProcedureOpts): Promise‹TransactionQueue‹BigNumber››

Defined in src/api/entities/Asset/TransferRestrictions/TransferRestrictionBase.ts:126

Add a Transfer Restriction of the corresponding type to this Asset

note the result is the total amount of restrictions after the procedure has run

note this method is of type ProcedureMethod, which means you can call addRestriction.checkAuthorization on it to see whether the signing Account and Identity have the required roles and permissions to run it


Returns: Promise‹TransactionQueue‹BigNumber››


get(): Promise‹GetReturnType‹T››

Defined in src/api/entities/Asset/TransferRestrictions/TransferRestrictionBase.ts:161

Retrieve all active Transfer Restrictions of the corresponding type

note there is a maximum number of restrictions allowed across all types. The availableSlots property of the result represents how many more restrictions can be added before reaching that limit

Returns: Promise‹GetReturnType‹T››


removeRestrictions(opts?: ProcedureOpts): Promise‹TransactionQueue‹BigNumber››

Defined in src/api/entities/Asset/TransferRestrictions/TransferRestrictionBase.ts:150

Removes all Transfer Restrictions of the corresponding type from this Asset

note the result is the total amount of restrictions after the procedure has run

note this method is of type NoArgsProcedureMethod, which means you can call removeRestrictions.checkAuthorization on it to see whether the signing Account and Identity have the required roles and permissions to run it


Returns: Promise‹TransactionQueue‹BigNumber››


setRestrictions(args: SetRestrictionsParams‹T›, opts?: ProcedureOpts): Promise‹TransactionQueue‹BigNumber››

Defined in src/api/entities/Asset/TransferRestrictions/TransferRestrictionBase.ts:138

Sets all Transfer Restrictions of the corresponding type on this Asset

note the result is the total amount of restrictions after the procedure has run

note this method is of type ProcedureMethod, which means you can call setRestrictions.checkAuthorization on it to see whether the signing Account and Identity have the required roles and permissions to run it


Returns: Promise‹TransactionQueue‹BigNumber››

Last updated