CLI for Polymath-core


  • -V, --version (Outputs the version number)

  • -r, --remote-node (Connecting to a remote node)

  • -h, --help (Output usage information)


  1. st20generator|st [options] (Wizard-like script that will guide technical users in the creation and deployment of an ST-20 token)

  2. sto_manager|sto [options] (Wizard-like script that will guide technical users in the creation of an STO)

  3. faucet|f [beneficiary] [amount] (Poly faucet for local private netwtorks)

  4. investor_portal|i [investor] [privateKey] [symbol] [currency] [amount] (Participate in any STO you have been whitelisted for)

  5. token_manager|stm [options] (Manage your Security Tokens, mint tokens, add modules and change configurations)

  6. transfer|t (Transfer ST tokens to another account)

  7. transfer_ownership|to (Transfer Ownership of an own contract to another account)

  8. dividends_manager|dm [dividendsType] (Runs dividends_manager)

  9. transfer_manager|tm [options] (Runs transfer_manager)

  10. contract_manager|cm (Runs contract_manager)

  11. strMigrator|str [options] [toStrAddress] [fromTrAddress] [fromStrAddress] (Runs STR Migrator)

  12. permission_manager|pm (Runs permission_manager)

  13. time_travel|tt [options] (Increases time on EVM according to given value)

Last updated